

  A note from Señora Benz:

¡Bienvenidos a Español!  I'm so glad to have you in our class! 

Studying a foreign language opens up so many opportunities.  It's a whole new world out there!  In our class, we will be studying not only the Spanish language, but also the cultures of the many Spanish-speaking countries.  Join us for the ride as we learn about literature, food, customs, art, history, music and more.  Along the way, we will be communicating relevant information, building a community within our classroom, and making connections with the world around us through hands-on projects, skits, creative writing, reading, videos, games, and other activities that will make the language come alive.

Click on the links above to find out what is happening: homework, instructions for class projects, grades, helpful websites, etc.

Click here to see the original Welcome Letter Home to Parents/Guardians.